Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I finished “Crank” by Ellen Hopkins, it was really good and bad. I liked the message and the emotion, but I hated the way things turned out for Kristina. In the beginning she was this bright girl who no one would think would be addicted to drugs, or even start them. Kristina went away to spend time with her Father in New Mexico, where she started with the drug. She met a boy named Adam, who calls himself Buddy. Oh, and Kristina tells people her name is Bree while she is in New Mexio. In the beginning when the author mentions Bree, I was very confused as to who she was. I guess she is Kristina’s other half. Bree is the wilder and darker version of Kristina, when she is under the influence. Kristina’s relationships with her family, friends, and boy friends fall apart. Anyways when Kristina met Adam she began getting into meth. Her personality changes when she is under the influence and with Adam. The two keep writing together when Kristina has to return home to Nevada. She soon meets Brendon who is also addicted to meth, who ends up raping her. Kristina gets her meth from a girl named Robyn. Then she meets a good guy named Chase, who does meth too. Chase is the only one she really has a relationship with, because he actually cares about her. Then she finds out she is pregnant, at first she thinks it is Chase’s, but then realizes its Brendon. The whole book is just an eye opener. I hated how her life turned out because she tried meth and got addicted, but it is a realization to people the effect of meth on a person’s life and the surrounding people. I don’t think I will be reading anymore of Ellen Hopkins books, they all end sad. I like happy endings.

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