Wednesday, October 26, 2011

close reading bingo

number 6 - verb "use"
The diction within this passage uses a precise, with intermediate writing literal and direct.

number 8 - punctuation goes inside quotation marks
Salinger first describes the parents as “touchy as hell”.

number 1 - "he says" quote
Even when speaking of his brother, Holden says where D.B. lives “isn’t too far from this crumby place.”

number 2 - long quote
Then the teen bounces around topics from an autobiographical style to the purpose of his writing to randomness about his brother, “D.B” who’s “in Hollywood without describing them very well. That isn’t too far from [the narrator’s] crumby place.”

Best responses:

Both responses sound educated and do not have weaknesses.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

observation: diction

In the excerpt from Cruddy by Lynda Barry, the author’s blunt elevation and dull, yet figurative language emphasizes the bitter childishness and the jaded hate the author wishes the character to portray. The character’s attitude toward her life is constantly repeated as “cruddy” throughout the excerpt. Lynda Barry’s character demonstrates a disturbed, angry girl by describing her yelling at her sister from across the room. The girl screams to her sister “I will kill if you touch this, Julie, and if you do I swear to go I will kill you, no mercy, no take-backs private property, this means you, Julie, you” which explains how the infuriated girl feels toward her sister. The character’s vicious, scornful view on the world and hate toward everything depicts her ungrateful, pessimistic attitude toward life.

Friday, October 21, 2011

style mapping

The elevation of Cruddy by Lynda Barry is informal, because the diction is blunt and familiar. The sound of the words convey a harsh sound, through the dull words used. The language used suggest a connotation in the writing. The constant use of the word "cruddy" emphasizes the low diction. The sound also illustrate a noisy and dull environment, as apposed to a musical sound. The elevation of Girls in the Pants the Third Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares is a mix between formal and informal. At times the author uses elegant words, and other times the author uses familiar words to convey the meaning. The sound of the words emphasize a harsh and musical sound. The letters the girls write back and forth to each other are lyrical, and the rest of the story has a dull sound. The language used suggest a medium between connotation and denotation, because it is straightforward and suggestive in different parts of the story. The author uses words like "peculiar" and "significant" to convey fancy, scholarly diction.

week 9

Books: "Girls in Pants the Third Summer of the Sisterhood" by Ann Brashares
Pages this week: 153
Pages this semester:  1380

I was not here Wednesday, so I will write about it on different post.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

third sisterhood of the traveling pants part5

Lena has had a very boring summer to me, but I guess to her it would be exciting. She has signed up for this art class, where she paints and draws nude models. Her model, Andrew, made her nervous at first. But, after a few minutes drawing him became natural. She loved the class, and of course her Father found out. Which he came and took her home. Lena is not the type to just rebel against her Father, but she was very upset. She loved the art she was doing, so she went back just to see everything. She liked the environment. The instructor, Annika was there, and wanted to talk to her. They talked about art and the whole situation. Annika wanted Lena to come back so bad that she gave her a job to clean up the studio after class for free tuition. Lena agreed, and when she would go to class, she would just tell her parents she picked up another shift at the restaurant. I think it was wrong for her Father to just pull her out, especially since Lena is an artist.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

third sisterhood of the traveling pants part4

Lena and Carmen are kind of together, because Carmen is taking care of Valia, Lena’s Grandmother. Bapi, her husband and Lena’s Grandfather, died which meant Valia had to live with Lena back in American. Since then Valia has been very stubborn, because she misses her home in Greece and of course her husband. Valia living there has made it stressful for everyone. Lena and Effie purposlly got jobs so then they would not have to take care of Valia. Lena got a new job, at a restaurant, her father is very proud because he set it up. Lena’s mother asked Caremen, because she did not have to babysit the kids she had to last year. So Carmen agreed because she needed the money, plus she needed the money. Carmen has been taking care of Valia, which did not start off on the right foot. Valia is stubborn and so is Carmen, making the two buttheads. But, of course Valia wins because Carmen is in a way working for her. They had to go get an x-ray for Valia’s kidneys, because they were not working properly. Along the way her leg hurt, and so a boy help Carmen care her to the emergency room. The boy was so sweet to them, and he was kind of flirting with Carmen. Even though Valia was hurt, it brought her and Carmen closer. Plus, Carmen met a boy. I hope she and the boy start hanging out, because her summer needs some fun. I would go crazy if all I did during the summer was watch my best friends angry, stubborn Grandmother who does not speak English well.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

third sisterhood of the traveling pants part3

Carmen, Tibby, and Lena stayed home, but at least they had each other. There was this graduation party that they were all going to, and Brian asked Tibby to be his date. It was kind of weird because they have been friends for so long. Brian and Tibby left the party early and went to hang out by themselves, they both were not the party type. They had that first kiss that night, it was so sweet. I can definetly tell that Brian loves Tibby, he even said it to her. I know Tibby would usually find it not true and gross, but with Brian she was happy about it. Tibby has grown up since the first book.

Monday, October 17, 2011

third sisterhood of the traveling pants part2

The graduation was happy, but also stressful. Everyone’s family was there for the big day. Tibby, Lena, and Carmen were all staying home for the summer. Bridget was the only one going away, she went to a soccer camp in Pennsylvania. It turns out that the guy she liked from the first book is in this book. I would be so confused if I was Bridget. So far the two have been distant from each other. They have only talked about little things and when they needed to. Bridget found out that he has a girl friend that he just got back with from Mexico, her name is Kaya. I could feel that Bridget felt uncomfortable and kind of shocked, mixed with upset. I would hate to have that situation happen to me.

Friday, October 14, 2011


In the beginning, I thought that reading at least 150 pages of popular fiction would be difficult and time consuming. But, at time it was so enjoyable that I did not notice the time. I would read during school or at home at night. After getting ready for bed, reading helped relax me. The books by Ellen Hopkins I found were a little bit difficult, because it was written in a poetic form. But, after I got comfortable with her writing, I found it easier and more enjoyable. I did not really like her books though, because I thought they were always so depressing. So after the second book I read of hers, I switched over to “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” series by Ann Brashares. I love those books, they were easy to read and understand. Plus, I felt like I could relate to them. Which makes me want to keep reading to find out what will happen to the characters.

sentences of the month

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." - from "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" by Ann Brashares

"The four of them lay on the grass until the sun finished and the stars began." - from "The Second Summer of the Sisterhood" by Ann Brashares

“They make us feel secure and loved.” - from "The Second Summer of the Sisterhood" by Ann Brashares

I like this quotes because they remind me of my past, they make me feel better, and they are true. The first on is funny, but true. The second one reminds me of the summer, when I would spend it with my friends. The last one just makes me feel better.

week 8

Books: “The Second Summer of the Sisterhood” and “Girls in Pants the Third Summer of the Sisterhood” by Ann Brashares
Pages this week: 154
Pages this semester: 1,227
“They make us feel secure and loved.”
“I remember when you and Ari used to play tennis on Wednesdays against Marly and Christina, and you always took turns winning.”
“The four of them lay on the grass until the sun finished and the stars began..”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

third sisterhood of the traveling pants

So, I just finished “The Second Summer of the Sisterhood” by Ann Brashares. The book was depressing, in a good way. I guess the book was realistic and it showed that things happen in life that cannot be controlled, and it is up to us to decide how to react to it. It also showed how to be strong for you and other’s when things go wrong. Overall, the book was good. I have read a little bit in “Girls in Pants the Third Summer of the Sisterhood” by Ann Brashares. This summer is one of the most important ones, because it is their last summer. They are all going off to college in the fall. The graduation was very happy, knowing that it was a new start to everything. Even though none of them were going to the same school, they all were at least four hours away from one another. I hope this one is actually good and happy, and no one dies. Because, in the first Bailey died and in the second Bapi died. I just hope no one does in this.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

second sisterhood of the traveling pants part6

I loved Bridget’s summer, she found herself. Her story just shows that the little things that make a person are always there. Sometimes it can be hidden, but it never goes away. She worked hard; got to know her Grandmother, got into shape, played soccer again, and reconnected with old friends. All the little things she did when she was little helped her realize who she is and who she wants to be.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

second sisterhood of the traveling pants part5

Carmen’s summer has been kind of boring. Carmen had that problem with her Mother’s boyfriend. She destroyed it, but then she realized what she did. So, she fixed them back up. Things with Porter did not happen. Porter thought it just was not working, because Carmen was too distracted. Carmen was distracted though, because she was busy with making Lena feel better, being a good daughter, being a good role model for Krista, and being there for Tibby and Bridget. Carmen was too busy to have a boy friend at that time. Also, I just do not think she was too into Porter anyways. Tibby had a more exciting summer than Carmen. She went to that school for film, and the first video she showed was bad. The video was about her family, which had bad takes of her Mother. At first Tibby did not even think her Mother would go to the showing, so she thought the video would be okay and funny. Her Mother ended up going, and her mother left the audience without a word. Also, Brian was upset with the video because he thought it was disrespectful. After the video Brian and Tibby got in a fight, so Tibby was not on speaking terms with Brian or her Mother. Tibby dug herself in a deep hole just to fit in with Alex and Maura. But, Tibby ended up doing the right thing, by apologizing to Brian and her Mother. She redid the video and made it about Bailey. The video was very touching to everyone.

Monday, October 10, 2011

second sisterhood of the traveling pants part4

I thought Lena and Kostos were good for each other, I guess the author did not want them to be together. Everything between the two was really good, then suddenly his letters were getting short and he was writing differently. Kostos also said that he could not go up the next weekend to see Lena, which that really upset her. Lena did not understand what was going on and finally he just broke it off. She knew it was coming but she did not know for sure. Anyways the break up was really tough on Lena, all of her friends were very worried about her. Also, she found out her Grandpa Bapi died. So Lena and her whole family went to Greece to have the funeral. Lena wanted to see Kostos so everything would be better. But when Lena saw Kostos, he was with another girls. When her Grandma introduced Lena to the other girl, she said this is Kostos fiancé. I just felt so sorry for Lena, because she did not know the reason why Kostos was acting different. She has been through a lot this summer.

Friday, October 7, 2011

week 7

Curently: "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" by Ann Brashares
Pages this week: 155
Pages this semester: 1123
"Nothing is too wonderful to be true."
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."
"On the other hand, you have different fingers."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

second sisterhood of the traveling pants part3

Carmen and Lena stayed home to work. Lena’s Mother got her a job at this vintage clothing store, which I don’t think Lena really likes. Carmen babysits these two kids once in a while. Carmen started dating this boy she met in school, but with her drama with her Mom Carmen cannot see the good in the boy, Porter. Her Mother started dating this guy she works with, David, and Carmen is not too pleased. I think Carmen needs to be happy for her mother, because it would also make it possible for Carmen to move on in her relationship with Porter. Lena had a surprise visit from Kostos. The two spent sometime together, and realized the break up was a mistake. I really like Kostos, he is so sweet. I am glad he went to see Lean. Kostos went to there for a job interview, but he really wanted to see Lena. At first Lena gave him the cold shoulder, which I am not exactly sure why, because she broke up with him. But maybe it was because she found out that he had a girl friend, but that was just a rumor. The two are perfect for eachother. I love this book, it seems to be a very happy summer, or the summer could have potential be a good one.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

second sisterhood of the traveling pants part2

The summer was going to start out the complete opposite of last summer. This time Bridget, Carmen, and Lena were going to stay home and Tibby was going away. Tibby is going to a film program at a college in Virginia. But, things changed when Bridget found these letters. One day Bridget went through her Dad’s drawers and she found these letters that were next to her report card. There were five letters, each written the year after the next. The letters were addressed to Bridget and her twin brother, Perry. The letters were from her Grandmother Greta, which is her Grandmother on her Mother’s side. I don’t remember if I said in one of the last blogs that Bridget’s Mother had died. Bridget’s Mother was very sick, and passed away when she was younger. Ever since then, all her friends and their Mom’s have had to look out for Bridget, because she became so vulnerable after the death. I couldn’t imagine losing someone so close. I bet Bridget went through a lot. Anyways, Bridget got mad at her Father for keeping the letters. In the heat of the moment she told her Dad that she was going to go to Alabama to visit her. Her Father was not too welcoming about the idea, because he said that Greta was the one to blame for many things that had happened in the family. I do not know what the things were, maybe the death of Bridget’s Mother. Maybe because her Father needed someone to blame, so he blamed it on Grandmother Greta. Bridget’s Father knew he could not keep her from seeing her Grandmother, so he let her go. I am not sure why she used a fake name to her Grandmother when she met her. Bridget was sneaking around to get to know her Grandmother, without her knowing she was her Granddaughter. She pretended she heard from neighbors that Greta needed some help in her house with chores. Then she introduced herself as Gilda, which was the name of the place where the ritual of the pants happened at. I guess I should explain what happened during the school year. Bridget felt like she lost herself, because of the things she went through. The thing with Eric made her change. Bridget had quit soccer, dyed her hair, stopped working out, and she just gave up on herself. I think that is why she felt like she had to go down to Alabama, to find herself again. Because when she was younger she grew up there, and she felt like she needed to get away from everything and start over. Greta talked about Bridget’s Mother occasionally and talked about her Grandkids, which makes it seem like Greta is a good Grandmother. I do not see why Bridget’s Father kept his kids from Greta. I like Bridget’s story so far, because it just shows that people can get confused and lost, even if they seem like the most confident person. She used to be this tough person, but her story shows its okay to have break downs, because I can see Bridget slowly finding herself in Alabama. I guess it just takes time to figure it out.