Thursday, October 13, 2011

third sisterhood of the traveling pants

So, I just finished “The Second Summer of the Sisterhood” by Ann Brashares. The book was depressing, in a good way. I guess the book was realistic and it showed that things happen in life that cannot be controlled, and it is up to us to decide how to react to it. It also showed how to be strong for you and other’s when things go wrong. Overall, the book was good. I have read a little bit in “Girls in Pants the Third Summer of the Sisterhood” by Ann Brashares. This summer is one of the most important ones, because it is their last summer. They are all going off to college in the fall. The graduation was very happy, knowing that it was a new start to everything. Even though none of them were going to the same school, they all were at least four hours away from one another. I hope this one is actually good and happy, and no one dies. Because, in the first Bailey died and in the second Bapi died. I just hope no one does in this.

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