Wednesday, October 19, 2011

third sisterhood of the traveling pants part4

Lena and Carmen are kind of together, because Carmen is taking care of Valia, Lena’s Grandmother. Bapi, her husband and Lena’s Grandfather, died which meant Valia had to live with Lena back in American. Since then Valia has been very stubborn, because she misses her home in Greece and of course her husband. Valia living there has made it stressful for everyone. Lena and Effie purposlly got jobs so then they would not have to take care of Valia. Lena got a new job, at a restaurant, her father is very proud because he set it up. Lena’s mother asked Caremen, because she did not have to babysit the kids she had to last year. So Carmen agreed because she needed the money, plus she needed the money. Carmen has been taking care of Valia, which did not start off on the right foot. Valia is stubborn and so is Carmen, making the two buttheads. But, of course Valia wins because Carmen is in a way working for her. They had to go get an x-ray for Valia’s kidneys, because they were not working properly. Along the way her leg hurt, and so a boy help Carmen care her to the emergency room. The boy was so sweet to them, and he was kind of flirting with Carmen. Even though Valia was hurt, it brought her and Carmen closer. Plus, Carmen met a boy. I hope she and the boy start hanging out, because her summer needs some fun. I would go crazy if all I did during the summer was watch my best friends angry, stubborn Grandmother who does not speak English well.

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